Delete The Divide

Delete the Divide Program: Empowering small businesses in Los Angeles County with the tools and support for success.

An informative map of Los Angeles showcasing the population figures, representing the number of people residing in different neighborhoods that could join the Delete the Divide Program

the gap

Through a mission of narrowing the digital divide, the Delete the Divide Program provides businesses with essential resources such as training, support, networking opportunities, and valuable assistance in enhancing online presence—from website development to leveraging social media and e-commerce platforms.

Businesses receive

The numbers speak for themselves


Total Applicants


Total Business Assessment Audits Conducted


Total Business Consultations Completed


Businesses That Qualified For Full Services

More of our programs


This Wells Fargo sponsored program provides small businesses in Houston, TX and Los Angeles, CA with digital marketing services.


This City of Los Angeles funded program provides local small businesses with digital marketing services.


This pilot program gives business owners from across the country 1-on-1 consultations with marketing experts to improve their online presence.

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Open for eligible businesses in LA County.

🔎 See if you qualify – Applications open now